The Vagenda

Fuck This Shit

To continue along the theme of atrocious greetings cards, check out this sexist piece of cardboard shit. Maths is hard, but stripping is easy…

(courtesy of @ohyeahclaire)

One thought on “Fuck This Shit

  1. No, it’s interesting how different perspectives can be. I interpret this as who gives a fuck about maths, I’d rather do something I enjoy with my life. Don’t be telling me that’s sexist! There ARE plenty of women out there who get a lot of pleasure from THEIR bodies and ENJOY THEIR sexuality. Female sexuality has a wide and colourful spectrum, something which needs to be acknowledged by anti-sex feminists. Bear in mind by stating that women who sell THEIR bodies in any way are pandering to the sexist, misogynistic, male dominated culture in which they live or indeed that they are unable to see how they are contributing to the continual sexual subjugation and blatant sexism in society and the degrading effect this has on women, YOU are promoting the fallacy that these women, who have made choices about THEIR lives are in fact too stupid to have made those choices and are unable to comprehend the effects of those choices, so much so that you think you are better placed to make choices for them and to judge them. After all, sex work is immoral is it not, why can’t these women see that? Why judge anyone else’s morality unless you feel insecure within your own. Maybe, just maybe they don’t hold your moral perspective, one which after all has been imposed on YOU by the patriarchal society in which we reside. If you wish to discuss ‘human trafficking’, a widely banded phrase nowadays, that is a different subject all together. Human trafficking is slavery, in the traditional sense, where the person has no choice and is forced into a situation where they have no control. A choice to work in the sex industry, in any area, is NOT the same thing, Sex Work and Human Trafficking are NOT the same thing. Sex work does NOT promote trafficking. Clearly I’m discussing women who make choices in THEIR lives, and I believe that is what the girl in the card is doing! And did it occur to you maybe it’s ironic? Now, there’s a different perspective again. Fuck me I’m pompous!

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