I mean, really? Did they have to go with such obvious phallic imagery? Were I in a worse mood I’d probably mutter something about how the woman in the picture is clearly submissive to the unseen person who is dangling asparagus in her heavily photoshopped face. But I’m in a great mood, so all I’m wondering is why, alongside the appealing strapline ’101 Best Places to Eat in the World’ they couldn’t have had an image of something else (like a Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Pizza Burger, or my vagina). Because when I think great meal out, I don’t think asparagus.
It seems to be an epidemic – https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/402027_294860080579933_1337587911_n.jpg
Stock Photo! http://eater.com/archives/2012/08/07/newsweeks-gratuitous-food-porn-cover-looks-awfully-familiar.php
Am I the only one who looks at that photo and is reminded of the film Alien?
or one of those best places to eat from th 101 in the list?
Love asparagus myself (and practically all vegetables), but that photo is appalling. Quite apart from the groan-inducing sexism, it is way too plasticky and visually unsophisticated.
“Or my vagina” *snort*
Wow. Well, if all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail right?
Curiously, when I think about eating out, the mental image I have is pretty much the opposite of that seen above…